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Auto Injury Treatment in Bradenton, FL

Why Choose Our Auto Injury Treatment in Bradenton?

Have you recently been involved in a motor vehicle accident (MVA)? Suffering from pain in your back, neck, feet, or legs? Feel dizzy or experiencing blurred vision?

It’s time to seek an auto injury treatment you can trust – chiropractic.

While you may believe that the symptoms you have will ease off over time, more often than not, auto injuries need effective treatment – fast.

And that’s where our esteemed chiropractor, Dr. David Zamikoff, can help.

Why Is Chiropractic a Revered Auto Injury Treatment?

One study highlights how, when people have been in a car accident, 40% seek chiropractic care for pains in their lower back and over 30% look for help with spinal pain.

Furthermore, according to other research, over 90% of patients feel their whiplash symptoms improving with effective chiropractic care.

What does this tell us?

That the techniques utilized by chiropractors are a proven, successful car accident injury treatment.

It’s also important to understand just how at risk your spinal area is when you’re involved in an MVA. And due to how integral your spine is to your day-to-day life, it’s crucial it’s treated with the respect and attention it deserves.

Therefore, while the symptoms you’re experiencing post-accident may be “mild,” it’s imperative you seek the medical advice of our chiropractor to gain peace of mind and the care you require.

What Will a Visit to Our Chiropractic Clinic Involve?

With over 20 years’ experience, Dr. Zamikoff offer an in-depth examination and diagnosis of issues pertaining to the musculoskeletal system.

That’s why, before he performs any treatment, he’ll conduct a physical exam and digital imaging tests to establish the root cause of your pain. Once known, he’ll talk you through his recommended treatment plan that will be tailored to improve your mobility and eradicate your pain.

For example, your spine may need realigning after an MVA. This involves spinal manipulation and adjustments that work to place your spine back into its original, healthy position. To do this, he’ll use massage techniques and gentle force which is applied with his hand.

Don’t Suffer in Silence and Book Your Appointment Today!

While your treatment plan may involve a number of visits to our clinic, you should start to feel that much-needed relief from your symptoms after your first treatment. And to ensure you enjoy a full and ongoing recovery, Dr. Zamikoff will provide you with some exercises and lifestyle tips you can take home with you.

For an auto injury treatment you can trust, book your appointment online or call us at 941-761-4994 today.